Friday, January 4, 2008

Seward family Christmas party

And so the Seward clan got together for Christmas. Almost everybody was there, and it was a very full small house. Amidst much talking, eating and laughing, everybody was able to get caught up on the past year. It was wonderful being around all of Kent's family and seeing all the new babies. Five this year by the way. So, here is the party in review:)

We have the Quentin Seward family!

Here are all the new grandbabies, from left to right, youngest to oldest: Heidi and Stephen (Chip), Jamie and Katelyn, Stephanie and Brittany, Carissa and Kaden and Jill and Wyatt!
Grandpa and Grandma with all their kids.

The Kenny Seward family, minus Brett, Sheila, Dana and Darcy.

Keith seward fam, we were all there. L-R Jamie, Heidi, Chip, Delene, Keith, Kent, Kaden, Carissa
front row, Kayla, Crystal, Kirk and Amber.

Grandpa and Grandma, someday I hope to be like them. After all these years, they have these cute little pet names for each other. I love it.

The Bob Taylor family. Missing Marc, Talisha and their two.

There is the fam. I hope you enjoyed the aquaintance time. Have a great afternoon.

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