Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I love my life!

Me and my amazing husband
DAddy and Kaden playing on our couch!

First I have to start out with this little story I found, indulge me, it is so sweet.

"It was one of the worst days of my life: The washing machine broke, the telephone kept ringing, my head ached, and the mail carrier brought a bill that I couldn't pay.Almost to the breaking point, I lifted my one-year-old into his high chair, laid my head down on the tray, and began to cry. Without a word, my son took his pacifier out of his mouth and stuck it in mine."

That is the way I feel sometimes, and Kaden never ceases to amaze me. Friday my mom went into the ER with chest pain and facial and arm numbness. I was terrified and quickly drove to the hospital, poor little Kaden in tow. My normally happy, laughing, smiling boy just sat there and looked sadly at poor MawMaw. He could already tell that something was wrong with her. He just looked at me as if to say, why is she just laying there? Why doesnt she want to hold me? We held him over my mom and he just reached out to her, not trying to grab anything, more like he was trying to comfort her. It was the sweetest thing.

ON my drive home I realized something, I LOVE MY LIFE! I am so blessed to get to stay home every day with my son and watch him grow and change. I am so lucky to be the person to teach him how to do things on a day to day basis and watch him learn something new every day. I loev my husband so much. It is because of him that I have my son in the first place; it's because of him I get to stay home. He is a man of incredible character and I truly love him with all of my heart. I might not have the nicest house, or the fanciest car, or even the most money in the bank, but I have something money cant buy me. I have a husband and a son that love me unconditionally. They love me for me, they let me be me, and we have so much fun together. I am surrounded by so much love, and I truly feel like the luckiest woman in the world! Thank you honey!

P.S. My mom is ok, we still dont know what is wrong with her, but they ruled out heart attack and stroke. More tests this week will hopefully find the problem!


Anonymous said...

Glad your mom is okay. I liked your post a lot. It is awesome to look around and see how blessed we are. Sometimes we don't notice it too much. It's nice to know that you think you have the best husband in the world, but I do have to say that I actually have the BEST husband in the world! :) Hey, have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Of course I remember you! Thanks for your dog advice! I am going to try it! :-)

It is really neat getting to see you again and Kaden is so cute! I love his name! Congratulations on becoming a mommmy, especially to a boy... I happen to think they are the VERY best! :-)